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This was an amazing day and an absolute pleasure to be able to share my career and accomplishments, as a professional player, with the youth of Cresthaven Elementary. Upon connecting with the assistant principal of the school, she extended the invitation to join other career professionals in a day to share what we do in an effort to educate and inspire the children towards their career paths.

The experience was an absolute pleasure to share my journey while empowering and inspiring the next generation towards self-belief, letting them know they are capable of whatever they set their minds to by first believing in themselves, setting goals, and preparing themselves to achieve those goals. This is what Mind Over Body is all about, I can say on this day I was truly walking in my purpose.

M.O.B. Athletics was created for moments just like this. The journey that my basketball career has taken me on has come full circle, and has now leas me in the right direction towards enriching and empowering the minds of the next generation. This is truly why I do it. On this day I realized it was never just about basketball, but what basketball taught me in order for me to pass it on to those that come after me. This sport helped me to build and grow different aspects within myself that helped me to be the great athlete, woman, friend, coach, teacher, individual and business owner that I am today. And this is only the beginning.

Through M.O.B. Athletics I look to continue down this path of youth enrichment first within South Florida, then throughout of all Florida and the United States. The philosophy of Mind Over Body bringing awareness to the importance of mental health paired with physical health for the overall well-being of our next generation is crucial in these days and times. Many children experience internal suffering due things going on at home, at school, on social media, just to name a few, that we as adults do not always recognize. Our children need to be taught ways of handling any possible anxiety or stress through practices such meditation and yoga. These two practices are what helped me handling adjusting to adversity in my professional travels overseas. I personally know the great benefits of them both.

Career day was only the beginning. With the philosophy of Mind Over Body, I plan to bring to the grade schools within South Florida, through my nonprofit organization the I Believe In Me Foundation, a program that will bring more awareness to the mental and physical health of the youth, while empowering them to believe in themselves to see their greatness within. This is the mission. This is why I do it. It is time to reach those young minds that are searching for someone who believes in them while motivating them to believe in themselves. This is my purpose, and I will not stop until I fulfill the mission. Stay tuned.

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