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Mission for Girls Basketball

Updated: May 8, 2023

Girls basketball in South Florida is not the same as when I was in high school from 2004-2008. The girls high school game was highly competitive. You could be sure to attend a game with a packed house, depending on which teams were playing.

During my journey with M.O.B. Athletics, I have come to discover that there are some hidden gems within the South Florida area. Some young female players who can really play the game of why isn't the light being shined on them to gain more exposure of their talents? This is what I aim to change.

M.O.B. Athletics is here to teach the game of basketball to the youth of the next generation. Through M.O.B. I provide basketball skill development for boys and girls of all skill levels. But one of my main focuses is to rebuild once again grow the basketball culture within South Florida for young female athletes.

The girls are here. The talent is here. The opportunity for them to learn, grow and develop is few far and in between. Especially when it comes to having a woman who has been in the same position as them and made it to the highest level of play in the game. Don't get me wrong. There are some programs teaching girls within the area, but it tends to be male dominated. I believe this needs to change. There needs to be a face and voice that they can relate to when it comes to be a female athlete in this game.

My mission for South Florida girls basketball is to create more opportunities for them to gain exposure and showcase their talent. More exposure can lead to opportunities for scholarships and higher education, which could lead to even more opportunities for them in life. Though it is about basketball, it's not just about's bigger than basketball. This is about using basketball as a vehicle to create a better life for yourself, while playing the game you love and making connections along the way with people you never would have met outside of basketball.

This sport is a close knit industry, and 9 times out of 10 you will meet someone who knows someone else you know that either has played or coached. That is the beauty of playing sports. If I had a dollar for every time I met someone through basketball who knew someone I knew who also played the sport, I'd have thousands of dollars in my bank account. The basketball world is small, and more often than not it is about who you know. Networking and connections. It has been through knowing people or people knowing my face or name is some type of way, that as helped me within my business. Playing this game has done, and continues to do, tremendous things for my life. I know the possibilities it holds and I want to share these possibilities with those young ladies that are in the game now.

Like I stated before, it's bigger than basketball but it starts with basketball. The game is just a tool for us to use to learn ourselves, who awe are, build characteristics and attributes that we can carry with us into other areas of our lives. Things I've learned in basketball has also helped me as a business owner, when it comes to things like being a leader, instructing a group of people, being able to make decisions under pressure, knowing how to work with others, coming up with a plan and strategy for success, and much more.

All young people need to know this, but it is the girls who are being underserved within my area, and being a female I must create opportunities for change that can uplift them towards greatness. I'm not saying I will not work with young male athletes as well, but I look to rebuild basketball here for the young female players because it is what is needed.

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